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Friday, January 27, 2012

The Supreme Court Privacy Ruling google alert

   This alert talks about how the supreme court ruled that it is an invasion of your privacy if the police attach a GPS tracker to your vehicle. Quoting from the alert, the court "ruled unanimously that doing so is a search, meaning that it must pass muster under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." They bring up a good point of it might be pointing out about how it might also show the court’s thoughts about what counts as a trespass on your privacy.The alert then goes into talking about the supreme court case of Jones. I like the supreme court ruling about this. In my own opinion i think it's an invasion of privacy. If you want to read it, i put the link below.

The Artical

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This class so far.

This class so far is interesting. My siblings and I really like computers and I am the least smart one bout them.  Hopefully, this class will change that. The diigo bar is something new tht I have never heard of and it is helpful. I don't think I'll be using it outside this class until college though because I don't usually bookmark things. I enjoy getting to learn about new things that are on the computer and how to use them. I really like any editing software or websites that allow you to edit, and design things. Like at my old school in Paola I learned how to build a website from scratch with the software my teacher had. I also really like editing photos with Photoshop and using a video maker to create and edit videos. If i get to learn more things about those main subjects I would like this class even more.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Digital Nation

  I think that the video was interesting. I am not really into the whole gaming aspect. The idea of all this technology being so advanced is amazing.Teaching kids from young ages will be more likely to introduce new technology quicker and technology will be coming more rapidly and more advanced quicker. The idea that the human brain is able to actually multitask so much and be so easily distracted is complex but also interesting to learn about. I liked the video. It gave me more of an idea of how the world's technology is changing and how quickly it's increasing.