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Thursday, May 10, 2012

The cost of free information

 This video has given me a lot of new things to look at when i think about the internet. There really is a lot of people on the web, especially my generation really doesn't pay attention to anything of what will happen with what we put on our computers now. We don't think about the possible future consequences and what will happen with the information we unknowingly are giving up to complete strangers. Basically we have gotten way off track with the Internets original purpose and have became completely blindsided by the fact that we can get anything or everything we want fast, and basically free. But we aren't really getting things for free. We are constantly being watched by someone or something to help us become one more person to fit into society and we are leaving behind our individual freedom that we once knew. It really is a scary thing to think about when you have things such as these pointed out to you. I have gotten a complete change of view on how i use the Internet and how i could be affected in the future. Our generation, i have a feeling, is going to be blindsided with a huge impact that will leave us in the dust. I guess all we can do is wait and see unless we can find a way to change this. The video has pointed out a major effect that i didn't realize. We are all becoming in basically a uniform society where everyone is becoming more and more similar in ways they would never think about. I think that this video could be a huge wake up call to a lot of people in my generation and future generations. Hopefully we can get this changed and fixed before it could potentially cause disaster for the future. This is my opinion on what the video has showed us.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How Music Licensing Works

This effects us because there are so many different ways that you have to have your music licensed because anyone can use it anywhere and steal it if you don't. Also it affects us because it is showing how bad our economy is getting and why we are so easily so far in debt. Spending 1 million dollars to make a song and only get paid 100,000 dollars when its done? That proves we are too far in debt. Also, it can effect anyone who is trying to go into the music business. Yes, some people can become rich and famous from it. But how far in debt did they go, or still are, before they started making any profit? This article is showing us that we are spending more money than we are making and it's not paying off very well.

MLA Formatting

I found Son of Citation to be correct for my book. EasyBib was close but still not completely correct. WorksCited4U was completely off on the format and wouldn’t be useful at all. I found it interesting to find out that some cites aren’t correct on the format that they advertise. But, I learned which site to use for future college references to cite things for papers.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The vitual revoluvtion part 1

I think the video was very interesting because i got to learn things i didn't know about the internet. I found out the names of founders of websites i use a lot. I found out that it's only been around for just over half a generation. The internet and the web and both seemed to change so much just from the 1990's to the 2000's. I also liked finding out how the founders of websites, the internet, software, and the web came up with the first ideas for starting on it. The video showed me new things that i enjoyed learning about. I can't wait to see the other 3 parts of the video.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Digital Footprints

I knew some of the information about how we leave cookies on the computer we use when we search and everything but i didn't know how much company's for jobs are starting to look into them. We need to start finding more ways to be able to privately browse and keep our information way from people we don't want having it. When i go home today i'm going to delete my cookies and start using the private browsing option. To find out that the footprints we leave behind are bigger than what i have already known about is a big reality check for me and soon my parents. I'm glad we have found some ways at least to start protecting our information that is left behind on our computers. But we need to find out more ways to cover everything we don't want out there for others to see.

Same-sex Marriage

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Supreme Court Privacy Ruling google alert

   This alert talks about how the supreme court ruled that it is an invasion of your privacy if the police attach a GPS tracker to your vehicle. Quoting from the alert, the court "ruled unanimously that doing so is a search, meaning that it must pass muster under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." They bring up a good point of it might be pointing out about how it might also show the court’s thoughts about what counts as a trespass on your privacy.The alert then goes into talking about the supreme court case of Jones. I like the supreme court ruling about this. In my own opinion i think it's an invasion of privacy. If you want to read it, i put the link below.

The Artical

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This class so far.

This class so far is interesting. My siblings and I really like computers and I am the least smart one bout them.  Hopefully, this class will change that. The diigo bar is something new tht I have never heard of and it is helpful. I don't think I'll be using it outside this class until college though because I don't usually bookmark things. I enjoy getting to learn about new things that are on the computer and how to use them. I really like any editing software or websites that allow you to edit, and design things. Like at my old school in Paola I learned how to build a website from scratch with the software my teacher had. I also really like editing photos with Photoshop and using a video maker to create and edit videos. If i get to learn more things about those main subjects I would like this class even more.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Digital Nation

  I think that the video was interesting. I am not really into the whole gaming aspect. The idea of all this technology being so advanced is amazing.Teaching kids from young ages will be more likely to introduce new technology quicker and technology will be coming more rapidly and more advanced quicker. The idea that the human brain is able to actually multitask so much and be so easily distracted is complex but also interesting to learn about. I liked the video. It gave me more of an idea of how the world's technology is changing and how quickly it's increasing.